Fall Updates: Zoom Meetings, Locker Access, Textbook Return, and Equipment/Supplies Requests

Locker access at the moment is no longer available.

Please note if you would like to request to keep your QHSLS or DOE-issued computer/internet equipment, complete this Google Form. Note that you will need to sign a new contract for this school year. Students must use their @qhsls.org emails for this form.

Students should plan on having a computer with a keyboard for this school year. If you would like to request computer equipment and school supplies, complete this Google Form. Students must use their @qhsls.org emails for this form.

Additional notes:

  • Rising 10th graders: *Keep your Global History textbooks.* Return any other borrowed books or equipment from the school or the DOE.
  • Rising 11th graders: Return your textbooks, any other borrowed books or equipment from the school or the DOE.
  • Rising 12th graders: Return your textbooks, any other borrowed books or equipment.

We will have a Zoom meeting at the following times with updates for the fall. Please make every effort to attend!

  • Tuesday, 9/1 @3PM (student-focused meeting, parents also welcome); an email will be sent to student emails 10 minutes before.
  • Tuesday, 9/1 @6:30PM (parent-focused meeting, students also welcome); please sign-up here for this meeting. Chinese and Spanish translation available.

These meetings will include information about the first day of school, class schedules, access to lockers from last school year, supplies for classes, textbook/equipment return and pick-up.

秋季更新: Zoom会议,进入上学年的储物柜,教科书归还,和设备/用品申请


  • 星期二,9月1日, 下午 3点  (学生座谈会,欢迎家长参加); 会议链接将于会议前10分钟向学生发送到电子邮件。
  • 星期二,9月1日, 下午 6:30(家长座谈会,欢迎学生参加); 请在这里报名参加这次会议。将提供中文和西班牙文翻译。

这些会议将包括上学的第一天,课程表,进入上学年的储物柜, 学习用品,和教科书/设备的退回和领取。

下周,学校将开放,允许学生们进入自己的储物柜。 如果你想进入你的储物柜,你必须填写这谷歌表格

  • 时间: 9/3星期四和9/4星期五,中午12点至下午2点

我们还要求每位学生归还去年从学校借的课本和设备。 不退还这些物品将造成延误,并增加学校遞送新课本和设备的费用。这学年我们需要节省每一元!  与此同时,你将能够:

  • 领取地铁卡
  • 归还电脑设备
  • 领取QHSLS t恤及帽衫(新生免费;旧生购买)
  • 如果是九年级或十年级的新生,请拍一张学生证照片作为学生证
  • 时间:星期二,9月8日和星期三,9月9日, 10am-2pm
  • 地点:QHSLS入口外(由Union街进入)
  • 注意: 学生不允许进入大楼。查看以上日期的储物柜进入。所有学生必须戴口罩,保持社交距离,并携带自己的笔以备签名。

请注意,如果您希望保留您的电脑/互联网设备,请填写此Google Form。 这个学年你需要签一份新合同。学生必须使用他们@qhsls.org电子邮件填写此表格。

学生们应该计划在这个学年拥有一台带键盘的电脑。如欲索取电脑设备及学习用品,请填写此Google Form。学生必须使用他们@qhsls.org电子邮件填写此表格。


  • 升十年级的学生:保留你们的世界历史教科书。归还其他从学校或教育局借来的书籍或设备。
  • 升11年级的学生:归还你的世界历史教科书,任何其他从学校或教育局借来的书籍或设备。
  • 升12年级的学生:归还你的美国历史教科书,任何其他借的书或设备。

Choosing Blended or 100% Remote Learning

Please see our drafted plan for Blended and 100% Remote Learning. This proposed plan is subject to change and approval from the DOE. (Updated 8/3/2020, Chinese and Spanish translation will be posted soon)

Families can indicate whether they want their child to be 100% in Remote Learning OR in Blended Learning using this DOE survey by August 7, 2020.

  • 100% Remote: Students are learning entirely from home.
  • Blended Learning: Students are learning both in-person at school and remotely at home. See the drafted plan for more information.

We are also asking our families to complete this short QHSLS-survey. We will be sure to answer your questions here.

A recording of the Student Informational Meeting on August 5th is here.

The DOE Return to School site is here.