

相反,我们必须对观看乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)被暴力杀害做反应——又一个在我们身边被不公正和不必要地夺走的黑人生命。随后,针对乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)之死的不公正,以及最近几周发生的许多其他种族主义和暴行,在全国各地和纽约市爆发的抗议活动,与这场流行病造成的悲剧和压力交织在一起。不能和你们在一起很难过。通过你们,我们的学生和教师,我找到了自己的乐观和希望。我必须提醒自己:我们仍然是一所学校,即使我们没有一栋大楼。


团结一致 , 李玫兰校长(2020年5月31日)

6月2日星期二, 下午4点: 读出他们的名字追思时刻: 在这里观看由我们的学生主持的仪式。

星期二, 6月2日, 6时(英文)及星期三, 6月3日, 3时及6时(英文及中文):开放圈子. 欢迎大家与同学和教师们一起参加, 让我们一起分享和见证彼此的经历,倾听彼此的心声。


Recognizing Black lives matter and supporting our students in this difficult time

The events of this past week have been horrifying and tragic. And they have been made even more difficult because we cannot physically be together as a school community. 

Instead, we have had to watch and react to the violent death of George Floyd–yet another black life taken unjustly and unnecessarily–in our own spaces. Then, the subsequent protests that have erupted across our nation and in NYC, against the injustice of George Floyd’s death as well as the many other acts of racism and brutality in recent weeks, are intersecting with the tragedy and stress caused by this pandemic.
It has been hard not being together with you all. I find my own optimism and hope through you, our students and faculty. And I have to remind myself: we are still a school, even if we don’t have a building. 

In the coming days, we will begin hosting various meetings for our entire QHSLS community to gather virtually. I wish we could have these conversations in person. But given what we have, I encourage any member of our community to join in: to share, to listen, or simply to be present together. These meetings are optional. In addition, do not hesitate to contact our faculty if you need other types of support. We recognize how individual our responses to this week’s events may be. In addition, if you would like to offer a suggestion, or perhaps if you would like to lead or contribute in this effort to stay connected, let us know. We welcome and appreciate you.

In unity, Melanie Lee, Principal (May 31, 2020)

Tuesday 6/2, 4PM: #SayTheirNames Remembrance. Watch the ceremony, led by our students, here.

Tuesday, 6/2, 6PM (English) and Wednesday 6/3, 3PM and 6PM (English and Chinese): Open circles. Students are welcome to join: to be together with other students, to share and bear witness to each other’s experiences, to listen.

Students should check their emails for more information.





所有11年级的家长都应该参加这个重要的会议! 我们都鼓励所有10年级和9年级家长欢迎。我们将提供普通话和西班牙文翻译。



2020年5月日历(5/5/2020更新), 学生请参阅作业的截止日期。家长,请查看何时在Pupilpath中更新成绩

老师更新的办公时间: 保持联系! 不要犹豫,向老师和辅导老师要求一对一或小组支持。


纽约市食品援助。 纽约市居民从7:30 AM-1:30PM可以享用Grab and Go餐点。 我们的法法拉盛校园现在是食品分发地点!请前往北方街大道的法拉盛高中学生入口进去。或者, 发短信去“food” or “comida” 877-877或者在此处搜索您附近的位置。要获得在您附近找到食物储藏室或提供食物的支持,请到此处