September PTA Meeting – 9/25

We will have our first PTA meeting of the 24-25 school year on Wednesday, September 25th, at 6 PM. During this meeting, we will:

  • Introduce our new Parent Coordinator
  • Go over important back to school updates
  • Share the PTA Calendar for the rest of the school year
  • Elect any unfilled PTA positions (Vice-president & Secretary)
  • We will also debrief the safety incident that occurred last week

Mandarin and Spanish translation will be available. The Zoom link can be found below. We hope to see you there!

Brian Bligh is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 949 2915 7083

Passcode: 638861

One tap mobile

+16469313860,,94929157083#,,,,*638861# US

+16465588656,,94929157083#,,,,*638861# US (New York)

New Student Orientation – Tuesday, September 3rd, 1:00-2:30 PM

We will hold a brief, in-person orientation for students and families new to QHSLS on Tuesday, September 3rd from 1:00-2:30 PM in the campus auditorium. After a brief presentation and Q&A with Principal Brian Bligh, students and families will have the opportunity to:

  • Take a tour
  • Take your student ID picture
  • Receive a free school t-shirt
  • Pick up your schedule

If you plan to attend our orientation, please enter campus from Northern Blvd. There will be someone in the courtyard to direct you to the auditorium.

We hope to see all our incoming students and families there!

SY 24-25 Calendar

View the calendar for school year 2024-25 here.

Please note a key change next year – there will be 6 half days, including the first day of school (these dates are noted on the calendar). On these days, students will be dismissed at 11:09. These half-days are unique to QHSLS. Other DOE schools will not be dismissing early on these days. 

Students will also be dismissed at 11:09 on the days of the afternoon Student-Led Conferences (also noted on the calendar).