六月远程学习更新: EBT午餐福利,家长会议,和日历

EBT学校午餐福利: 美国农业部宣布,从2020年3月16日到6月25日,公立学校的学生每人每天将获得5.7美元。不需要额外注册。此处提供了以多种语言翻译的更多信息。

  • 对于目前的粮食券SNAP和公共缓助受益人,家庭应该在5月底自动收到他们EBT津贴。
  • 对于有公共医疗补助的家庭,将发放新卡,并应在6月底发放。
  • 至于其他家庭,估计他们将在7月和8月开始领取津贴。


虚拟家长会议: 我们的下一次会议将在6月10日星期三,下午6:30通过Zoom。我们将讲讲年底的日历,评分政策,并回答您可能有问题。可提供西班文语和中文翻译。请在这里报名参加会议。




  • 12年级颁奖典礼, 6月25日, 星期四,下午 6:30PM
  • 毕业典礼,6月26日,星期五,下午6点

表扬我们2020届毕业年鉴委员会远程完成他们的毕业年鉴! 这是他们令人惊叹的封面。

RL Day #40: QHSLS Unites Against Racism

Message from Assistant Principal Mr. Bligh:

Today is our day of unity against racism! Our teachers worked incredibly hard to put five lessons together for our students. We recommend completing today’s lessons in the following order:

  1. Understanding Implicit Bias
  2. From Emmett Till to Amy Cooper 
  3. Identifying Logical Fallacies
  4. Protesting for Change
  5. Anti-racist Action

Use these lessons as a starting point for deeper learning, self-reflection, and increased conversation. And, we encourage you to share your reflections in the open circles on Tuesday and Wednesday at 3PM and 6PM.

I want to share with you an “a-ha” moment I had two years ago. One of my favorite podcasts, American History Tellers, told the story of the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921. In the early 20th century, Tulsa, Oklahoma was home to one of the most prosperous black communities in the entire country. On May 31, 1921, false accusations made by a white woman against a young, black man led white Tulsans to viciously attack black Tulsans. As a result, as many as 300 black Tulsans were murdered and more than 1,400 black-owned businesses and homes were destroyed. 

Learning about this, I was sickened and horrified by the brutal violence committed against black Tulsans and the complete lack of justice. However, there was something else that haunted me. Despite studying American history for decades, why was I hearing about this historic event only now? 

Learning about this one event ignited a fire. The more I read and researched, the more I wanted to teach my students and educate my family and friends about these untold stories.  I realized that in teaching this silenced history, I was taking an anti-racist stance. 

This is all to say that my hope for you is that today’s lessons will ignite a similar fire. I encourage you to find at least one topic that interests you and begin learning more about it. The lessons today are not an isolated gesture to respond to the murder of George Floyd and the subsequent protests. Rather, today is a first step in empowering us all in taking our own anti-racist stances. 

Best, Mr. Bligh


副校长Mr. Bligh的信息:

今天是我们团结起来反对种族主义的一天! 我们的老师非常努力地为我们的学生准备了五门课程。我们建议按照以下顺序完成今天的课程。

1. 了解内隐偏见
2. 从Emmett Till到Amy Cooper
3. 识别逻辑谬误
4. 抗议变革
5. 反种族主义行动


我想和你分享我两年前的一个“哈哈”时刻。我最喜欢的播客之一是《美国历史讲述人》,讲述了1921年塔尔萨种族大屠杀的故事。20世纪初,俄克拉荷马州塔尔萨是整个美国最繁荣的黑人社区之一。 1921年5月31日,一名白人妇女对一个年轻的黑人男子进行的虚假指控导致白人Tulsans恶意攻击黑人Tulsans。结果,多达300名黑人Tulsans被谋杀,超过1400家黑人拥有的企业和房屋被摧毁。



这就是说,我对您的希望是,今天的课程将点燃同样的气氛。我鼓励您至少找到一个您感兴趣的主题并开始对其进行更多了解。今天的课程并不是对乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)被谋杀及随后的抗议活动做出孤立的回应。相反,今天是赋予我们所有人采取我们自己的反种族主义立场的第一步。

Mr. Bligh